Meet this years Eclipse Art Contest Winner... Leslie Billard
"Growing up on the North-East shores of Georgian Bay, Leslie was immersed in four seasons of incredible natural Canadian wilderness.
Inspiration took her far from the wave carved rocks and windswept pines but eventually brought her back home to the Muskoka forests and deep blue waters. Every piece of work has a little bit of that small town spirit and
the everlasting impression of cottage country memories.”
I've always wanted to be an artist from a young age. I went to college for art and design fundamentals then took an artistic break for a couple of years until I moved back to Muskoka. Moving back to Muskoka inspired me to recreate and experiment with classic Georgian Bay and Muskoka scenery. My connection to growing up in Pointe-au-Baril & Muskoka area is scattered throughout my art in certain windswept pines and wave carved rocks.
And the winner is... Leslie Billard

Karin Kriekaard |